Stop Spraying New Brunswick (SSNB)

31 Main Street
Petitcodiac, NB   E4Z 4L8
Primary contact: Caroline Lubbe-D'Arcy
Language of Service: English
Scope of Activities: Provincial
Region: Acadian Peninsula & Northeast, Kent-Miramichi, Southeast, Sunbury-Queens-Kings Counties, Southwest, Central-West, Northwest
Purpose: Stop Spraying in New Brunswick (SSNB) is a group focused on stopping the spraying of Glyphosate and other herbicides on public land, which includes forest spraying and NB Power spraying in New Brunswick. This includes raising awareness of the harmful effects of Glyphosate on eco-systems and animals in New Brunswick. SSNB is non-partisan.
Activities: Advocacy,Public outreach, Education on the issue, we are running a province-wide paper petition campaign. We have a Facebook group with 13,300 members. SSNB is an ngo but does not plan to become incorporated.
Resources Available to the Public: Original print, audio or video educational resources, Speakers