Sussex Area for a Frack Free Environment (SAFE)

1078 Main St
Sussex Corner, NB   E4E 2Z8
Primary contact: Laura Cushnie
Language of Service: English
Scope of Activities: Provincial
Region: Southeast
Purpose: Our group was formed to facilitate a frack-free environment in the Sussex Area and beyond. We believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe community, without having to worry about large companies dumping toxic waste into the environment, or having our land taken away, or the air we breathe poisoned. We believe in respect for the land, and for the people who work the land. The Sussex Area has a proud history of farming, manufacturing, tourism, and value-added products, and we believe that the Government should support these industries, instead of seeming to act as a mouthpiece for oil companies. We are neighbours, family, and friends coming together on the right side of history.
Activities: Facilitating discussion, education, transparency, and empowerment for a frack-free environment.
Resources Available to the Public: Original print, audio or video educational resources