Search for NBEN member and associate groups
Grand Manan, NB
Purpose: Our mission is "Research and Education to Promote Conservation". We focus specifically on the Bay of Fundy ecosystem, studying the biology, ecology, and movement patterns of marine mammals, basking sharks, lobsters, zooplankton, sea birds and other species. We have long-term monitoring studies of water temperatures and zooplankton in the Bay that span over 15 years so that we can follow changes in the ecosystem that are associated with climate change and anthropogenic activities. We provide outreach through informal talks, our facebook page, and our small museum of marine life that can be visited during the summer. We work with local, provincial, and federal agencies and organizations, as well as fishing associations, to promote conservation and sustainable fisheries.
St-André, NB
Purpose: The Mission of Green Light NB Enviro Club Feu Vert is to promote education that leads to action on reducing the impact of the Northwestern New Brunswick region on the environment, with a focus on issues surrounding Climate Change. Three main areas of concern were identified (and are subject to change): 1. Sustainable Forestry; 2. Reduction of the use of plastics; and 3. Promotion of activities designed to reduce carbon emissions including the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs).
Québec, QC
Purpose: G3E has created a community-based movement that has been working on water issues for over 30 years by developing citizen science programs. G3E builds on current social and environmental issues, including climate change adaptation and environmental education, to create programs that make a difference, one river at a time.
Nauwigewauk, NB
Purpose: The Hammond River Angling Association's mandate is to protect and preserve the Hammond River watershed through education, conservation and community interaction.
Shippagan, NB
Purpose: Conviced of the potential of their region as a pioneer in new economy, Imaginons la Péninsule acadienne autrement, a citizen group, serves as a promoter and catalyst for resilience as well as for energy and food autonomy.
Plumweseep, NB
Purpose: The JGLWA provides science-based education, monitoring and climate change adaptation services for residents, communities, businesses and organizations. A communication network for sharing news and ideas providing a forum for discussing and resolving issues affecting the watershed ecosystem. We are focused on monitoring water quality, providing educational forums, education and outreach events, and helping members with riparian restoration.
Sussex, NB
Purpose: The Kennebecasis River Watershed Restoration Committee is a non-profit organization whose mission is to restore the aquatic environment of the Kennebecasis River and tributaries to sustainable conditions for fish and other aquatic life.
Elsipogtog, NB
Purpose: Kopit Lodge speaks for protection of The Forest and The Water in our region, on behalf of Future Generations of All Our Relations, and based on the Covenant Chain of responsibilities spelled out in the Peace and Friendship Treaties.
Beresford, NB
Purpose: The Cooperative is a non-profit organization that aims to bring together producers, processors, public markets and all the people who are part of the agri-food community in northeastern New Brunswick. All this, with the goal of advancing food autonomy and sovereignty in the Northeast, and creating visibility for our producers and processors while promoting good environmental values.
Halifax, NS
Purpose: Atlantic Water Network (AWN) is Atlantic Canada’s hub for community-based water monitoring. For nearly two decades, AWN has supported a growing network of over one-hundred community partner organizations throughout Atlantic Canada in all aspects of water quality monitoring. AWN achieves this by creating shared learning opportunities, offering tailored technical supports, and promoting local water priorities at both regional and national scales.